Saturday, July 9, 2011

Arts Walk Opens Today

After yesterday's deluge, it's good to see the sun and the opening of the "Arts Walk" in Riverview Plaza.  Created and sponsored by the Middletown Commission on the Arts, the space on the Plaza gives local arts group the opportunity to spotlight what they offer to the people of Middletown and beyond. 

The MCA Blue Tent opened this afternoon at (approximately) 1 p.m. with members of the Circus for a Fragile Planet, an offshoot of ARTFARM, manning the make-shift booth.  Throughout the day, they'll be showcasing different aspects of the Middletown-based troupe, from readings to circus games to stories and so much more (stilt-walkers, anyone?)  And, they'll be there right through until 9 p.m. tonight.  Tomorrow, the fun takes place from 1 - 6 p.m.   So, get out and get some Arts into your life!

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