Saturday, June 4, 2011

One Love, One Heart

submitted by The Buttonwood Tree:

It was Don Minott's High Voltage Reggae Band at The Buttonwood Tree last night and the love was flowing freely! People sang along, swayed to the fabulous Marley tunes and smiles were plentiful! The music soared, the house was filled, the band rolled with 6 guest singers and everyone had a blast!

They played til 11pm and didn't even stop for a break! Couldn't have asked for a better night!

But wait - there's more tonight ...

Saturday night (6/4) John Funkhouser brings his jazz trio to Buttonwood and after his last visit here, we know this man can tickle the ivories! I've been waiting for this since last time they were here! Show starts at 8pm. $10 - it's a bargain for this Brooklyn-based group!

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