Friday, June 10, 2011

North Village Open House

Join us tomorrow from 1-3 for the North Village Condo Open House.

The completion of this project signals a new phase in the life of Middletown's North End. If you haven't seen the dramatic changes that have taken place over the last few years, now is your chance!

All seven units in the condo association will be open for people to come in and check out. There are buildings on Rappallo, Green & Ferry Streets. Just look for the balloons. We will also have Neighborhood Ambassadors on site to answer any question that people might have about why the North End is a great place to live.

For more information on the North Village project check out the great article in today's Hartford Courant. Rehabbed Condo's go on the market.

We look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.


  1. Come check out the Open House at Green Street while you're out - African Drumming, Salsa and a Visual Arts Workshop from 1-3 PM!

  2. The condos looked fantastic!

  3. This sounds like a very interesting project. I am curious as to who the target resident is for these condos? Is it intended for people that are already living in the area? An opportunity for working class people that may not have a chance at home ownership otherwise?

    Will there be any income guidelines that will prevent these condos from being bought up as investment properties?

    While it is certainly a worthwhile project to improve the living conditions of people that are living in terrible conditions, I guess my concern is whether this will actually benefit these people or will it simply be a means to move them off of Main St. and out of sight.


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