Sunday, June 12, 2011

Make Way for Ducklings!

This morning I came outside to my neighbor feeding crumbs to mother Mallard duck and 5 ducklings. We are not sure where they came from, either they hatched near by or had taken a long walk. The ducks seemed out of place on High Street far from any source of water. Mama duck headed south on High but had trouble crossing Warwick Street. When she quacked cars just didn't want to stop, and the mama duck appeared frustrated. A group of us helped stop traffic as she crossed followed by her offspring. More neighbors popped their heads outside to watch the parade. When several of the ducklings had issues climbing the granite curbs, a neighbored offered a gentle hand as step for the ducks to climb over as to avoid any ducklings slipping into the storm drain. The determined mother duck signaled with a loud quack; then she turned to cross High Street while the humans stopped traffic again, and went on to lead all 5 ducklings safely to the pond at the end of the street where other Mallards had already gathered.


  1. Last year, I sat in a line of stopped traffic on Main Street Extension, while a gaggle of ducklings crossed the road, headed, apparently, for CVS. It was heart-warming to note that no engines were revved, no horns were honked. It would be nice if there were more curb cuts for them.

  2. More Ducks:
    Saw ducklings on my walk this morning--Five little ones bobbing in the "mini-white water" at the bottom of the spillway on the pond at Beach and High streets. They looked as if they were trying their darndest to get up. Mama Duck was above them at the edge of the spillway looking down. I couldn't see how they could possibly get back up again... Nature will provide, I hope.

  3. Just realized.... they were probably the same ducklings... at Warwick and High St.!


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