Saturday, June 25, 2011

Anti-War Protest On Main Street Today

From David Bauer
What: Protest against War, all the Wars we are continuously waging

When: Today 6/25 @ 1 PM

Where: At the corner of Main & Washington in Middletown

Who: Vic Lancia and anyone who wants to join in....

Why: War on Hunger, War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Terror, War on Reality, & Real Wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Columbia, Iran, and on and on and on

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to the Eye for posting this. The people who showed up were more diverse than I could have foreseen. Many who did not actively participate stopped by to talk, including veterans from the Korean, Vietnam, and Iraq wars.

    Most interesting for me was to watch the people in their cars. Positive reaction to our signs was more than two to one over those who took the trouble to give us "the finger".

    My saddest observation was just how stressed and unhappy so many people were in their cars.


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