Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Union Members Call Contract Rejection "Political"

"They have yet to vote for anything we've brought forward," Police union president Derek Puorro said after Common Council Democrats rejected an extension of the union contract.  "At this point it's clearly personal against the Police Department and their families."

The Common Council rejected contract extension for the city's professional workers union and the police union but passed an extension of the fire department union contract at Monday's meeting saying that the firefighters offered concessions that the other two unions did not.

"I think the Democrats have shot themselves in the foot," said John Milardo, formerly president of the MMPA, who now defines himself as "a concerned union member."

"I think their logic is wrong," Milardo said.  "If we go to binding arbitration it's going to cost the city a whole lot more."

Puorro, who said he thought the Democrats where using the Police Department as a pawn in their battle with the mayor, also said that bringing the contract to binding arbitration will end up costing the city far more than the proposed contract.

"Last time it cost them $400,000 in legal and negotiation fees," Puorro said.  "That's taxpayer dollars and that's over and above the cost of the contract."

"It's very popular right now to bash public employees," Puorro said.  "Were taking zero increases.  What other council would vote against a contract that's giving up raises.  Police officers put their lives on the line every day."

"I think they sense the mood of the public regarding public sector workers," Milardo said.  "They see complaints against city and state workers and they feel it's all right to go after the unions."

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