Monday, May 30, 2011

Pounds of Pot in Traverse Square Bust

From the Middletown Police Department

On May 17, 2011 the Middletown Police Street Crime Unit along with The Connecticut State Police State Wide Narcotics Task Force and the D.E.A. seized approximately twenty nine pounds of marijuana.

Detectives were advised that four boxes from a commercial shipping service were addressed to Roosevelt Freeman 14 Traverse Square, Middletown, CT and possibly contained a large amount of marijuana.   Two of the boxes remained at the shipping facilities annex in Louisville, Kentucky, which contained approximately twenty seven and a half pounds of marijuana.  The other two boxes (containing the twenty nine pounds) were allowed to continue on to their shipping destination.

Theodore Roosevelt Freeman Jr. age 43 had been the target of an investigation prior to this date for marijuana sales however no arrest was ever made.

Detectives would conduct a controlled delivery of the two boxes containing the twenty nine pounds of marijuana to 14 Traverse Square. Johnnie Mae Mitchell age 58 (the aunt of Freeman Jr.) was observed taking the packages into her residence.

Detectives later entered the residence and encountered Mitchell along with Theodore Roosevelt Freeman Sr. age 65 (the father of Freeman Jr.). Both of the packages were also located inside of the residence. Freeman Sr. and Mitchell stated they had accepted the packages for Freeman Sr’s son Theodore Roosevelt Freeman Jr. age 43 who does not reside there. Freeman Sr. stated his son resides at 616 Long Hill Rd and works at the US Post Office on Silver Street. 

Both Freeman Sr. and Mitchell stated they have accepted numerous packages in the past for Freeman Jr. all of which were similar in size and weight. Both stated they were supposed to contact Freeman Jr. as soon as today’s packages arrived but never got around to it. Freeman Sr. and Mitchell stated Freeman Jr. retrieves the packages from their residence the same day they are delivered. One of the packages weighed approximately 14 pounds and the other weighed approximately 15 pounds. Inside of each box were brick shaped amounts of compressed marijuana.

Freeman Jr. was contacted via telephone at his place of employment and stated he would come over to 14 Traverse Square in order to explain his involvement, however he never arrived. Detectives went over to the Post Office on Silver St. to speak with Freeman Jr. but were advised that he had just left without explanation and was no longer on the grounds.

Johnnie Mae Mitchell was subsequently arrested for the following charges and released on a $25,000.00 bond:
Possession of over 4 ounces of Marijuana
Possession With Intent to Sell over one Kilo of Marijuana
Possession Marijuana With Intent to Sell within a Public Housing Project

Theodore Roosevelt Freeman was subsequently arrested for the following charges and released on a $25,000.00 bond:
Possession of over 4 ounces of Marijuana
Possession With Intent to Sell over one Kilo of Marijuana
Possession Marijuana With Intent to Sell within a Public Housing Project

An arrest warrant is being submitted to Middlesex Superior Court for Theodore Roosevelt Freeman Jr. 

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