Monday, March 21, 2011

Kindergarten Orientation on April 7th

Middletown Public Schools 
Kindergarten Orientation & Registration 

Superintendent Welcoming Letter

Orientation - Thursday, April 7th at 6:30 PM 

Each of the eight elementary schools will present an overview of Middletown’s Kindergarten Program for the parents of incoming 2011-2012 kindergarteners. Parents will also receive forms to be filled out for Kindergarten Registration.
School            AddressPrincipal     Phone #
Bielefield70 Maynard StreetRenata Lantos860-347-4124
Farm Hill 390 Ridge Road Pat Girard 860-346-1225
Lawrence  Kaplan DriveEnza Macri860-632-2158
Macdonough66 Spring Street               Jon Romeo860-347-8553
Moody 300 Country Club RoadYolande Eldridge860-347-2561
Snow 299 Wadsworth StreetJames Gaudreau860-347-2579
Spencer 207 Westfield StreetAmy Clarke 860-344-0711
Wesley Wesleyan Hills Road Joseph Cassella 860-344-0381   

Meet with School – Based Staff
Tour of School
Visit Kindergarten Classrooms


  1. Why is the kindergarten registion
    9-noon and 1-3? What about working parents? Please Administrators step out of the
    50's! Hold regiatration in the eveing and/or on Saturday as well!!

  2. where did you see those times for registration, Ive only seen one for a orientaion on April 7 from ^:30 till 7:30


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