Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Board of Education to Hear From Superintendent on Bullying Initiatives

Tonight's Board of Education meeting will be held at 7pm in the Common Council Chambers at City Hall. The Board of Ed will hear a report from Superintendent Michael Frechette on the District's Bullying Initiatives.

I plan on using my three minutes of public comment time to urge the BOE to resolve Monique McClain's bullying case. The meeting agenda lists no specific BOE action on her case, and I can't understand why not. The Board is going into Executive Session at the end of the meeting, but there is no indication as to why.

I will also be listening very carefully to the Superintendent's report on Bullying Initiatives. Since there is no action item listed on the agenda for a BOE decision on this topic, it must mean that whatever the Superintendent is proposing or doing is or will be sufficient.

If you can't be at the meeting tonight, consider watching it on Comcast Channel 19.


  1. To show my support for Monique (and others), I'll be at the BOE meeting tonite. How about the rest of the readers of the "Eye"? Will you be there too? Let's show the BOE that bullying and the BOE's slow response is a community concern.

  2. Ever since Dr. Frechette, Ms. Senges, Ms. Haynes. Board Chair Ted R. have been appointed to lead this district, have you ever read one postive blog about their performance....no one, I mean, no one, ever speaks a kind word about this group of just awful people...this speaks volumes about how bad things truly are, with this school system.


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