Thursday, February 24, 2011

This Sunday at First Church of Christ, Middletown

A Farewell to Pastor Sue

Join us at 10 am for Worship, with Special Music chosen in farewell to Pastor Sue Latourette: Shout to the Lord; Lead Me, Lord; You Lift Me Up; and an Irish Blessing.

The sermon, “Branching Out,” is based on Jesus’ farewell discourse in John 15 and Deuteronomy 34. . . . Its message: Our common bonds of faith and the Spirit always keep us connected, no matter where life’s journey takes us!

After Worship: Join us after worship for fellowship and good food as we share the opportunity to bid farewell to Sue, as share reminiscences with old friends and greetings with new friends and visitors.

Note: This Saturday brings an Intergenerational Event – An Indoor Campfire and Pajama Party from 6 to 8 pm in the Memorial Room, for families and individuals! Wear your jammies, and bring a book to read or new pajamas to share with Middletown kids who have none. Snacks to share also are welcome.

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