Monday, February 28, 2011

Part 2 in MSAPC Lecture Series: Cyberbullying

Keigwin Middle School &
Middletown Substance Abuse Prevention Council Presents:

Teens & Technology

March 2, 2011
Keigwin Middle School
99 Spruce St. Middletown
FREE DINNER PROVIDED 5:30-6pm in cafe

6-7pm (Workshop 1)
Parents (in library/media center)
Presenter Christina Kozlowski (Community Health Center) on Nutrition
Presenter Marissa Lyttle (Community Health Center)on Adolescent Stress
Students (in cafeteria): Presenters Krystle Blake & Felicia Goodwine-Vaughters (Rushford) on bullying in our schools

7-8pm (Workshop 2)
Everyone (auditorium)
Justin Carbonella and Melissa Robinson from the Youth Services Bureau will present a group Middletown teens, “Youth 4 Change”, who participated in a YSB summer research program and will share their presentation about bullying online, possible repercussions and the results of their youth gathered data.

"Youth 4 Change"

For accurate dinner count please register with Krystle Blake:
203-238-6800 or email

1 comment:

  1. The BOE can't deal with non-cyber bullying, in their faces. How are kids supposed to deal with support from the schools for cyber bullying?


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