Friday, January 28, 2011

Treacherous Travel Around Town

Though the snows have stopped temporarily, walking and driving are still hazardous (as this rear-end accident on Court and Main demonstrates) today as the tempartures fell overnight and froze puddles and thawing snow.  Snow piles are high, forcing drivers to nose out into intersections, and pedestrians to walk in the driving lane, and slick spots are numerous.  Many sidewalks remain uncleared.


  1. May it make SPRING all the sweeter!

    Rex Hennessey

  2. Gridlock in whole downtown area last night as I and my wife attempted to go to dinner and a movie. What does the DPW do during the day? I don't understand why nothing has been done after the storm has ended. Why can't police at least be in intersections to direct traffic instead of sitting in their cruisers in gridlock as I saw last night?


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