Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Robbery on Westfield Street

From the Middletown Police
At approximately 2:47am during the snow storm, Middletown Police Officers received a call for a robbery at gun point in the area of 71 Westfield St. The robbery suspect was wearing a black mask and blue sweatshirt. The suspect was later identified as the above arrested, Mentor Berisha. The victim’s vehicle was stuck due to the heavy snow and his vehicle’s windows were partially covered in snow. Berisha knocked on the victim’s car window. The victim opened the door at which time Berisha shoved a silver handgun into his neck and demanded money and anything of value. Berisha left on foot with several of the victim’s valuables.

Middletown Patrol Officers canvassed the area looking for suspect. The victim said the suspect (Berisha) had a foreign accent and thought he might be someone he knew who lived on Plaza Drive.

Officers followed fresh tire tracks in the snow to Plaza Drive and found Berisha and Onur Topal sitting in a running vehicle. Officers approached the vehicle and found Berisha and Topal sitting in a cloud of smoke smelling of marijuana. Both were arrested for Possession of under four ounces of Marijuana. Topal was issued a misdemeanor summons and given a court date of 1/26/11.

In a second vehicle on Plaza Drive, items belonging to the victim, two B.B. guns and the mask were located. Berisha admitted to robbing the victim.

Birisha also has an outstanding arrest warrant for the State Police, Troop F, for Criminal Mischief.

1 comment:

  1. Berisha is a career criminal, always in and out of jail.They should lock him up and throw away the key!!!And why did he get such a low bond?/


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