Tuesday, January 25, 2011

People Empowering People Program To Start Soon

Worrying about problems in your community? Help change them! Turn your concern for children into action! Learn the skills to make this happen. Find out about the People Empowering People program.

The Middletown Public Schools, in conjunction with the Connecticut Parent Information Resource Center (CT PIRC) & the Parent Trust is about to begin the University of Connecticut Cooperative Extension’s People Empowering People program in Middletown.

The statewide program is a personal and leadership development program with a strong community focus. The program, facilitated by Susan Owens includes ten two-hour sessions on values, communication skills, problem-solving skills, parenting skills, leadership skills, action planning and community opportunity. Following the training, participants attend weekly sessions and work on projects that benefit the community. The program will begin February 25, 2011 from 6pm to 8pm at the Community Health Wellness Center 635 Main Street in Middletown, CT.

A light dinner will be served and childcare will be provided

Please call 860 638-1462 to attend.

1 comment:

  1. Suggest you add "curricula development" to the skill-building agenda so parents are empowered to add value at that level of the school bureaucracy.


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