Monday, January 24, 2011

New England Emporium Features Landscape Photographs by Jason Neely

The New England Emporium (386 Main Street) is displaying work by Jason Neely, a Middletown photographer. Neely's "New England Landscapes" series is made up of twenty photographs taken in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut--including many from Middlesex County such as Wadsworth Falls in Middlefield and Herzig Farm in Durham.

As faithful readers of The Eye will remember, Neely's work was featured in the August 2009 issue of "National Geographic" and is also the cover of "Raditude," the 2009 release by rock band, Weezer.

Neely moved to Connecticut four years ago, he says the beautiful scenery in New England has inspired him to put together this particular series of photos. Many of them will provide an antidote to the cold and snow currently washing over us.

Neely's father was an amateur photographer who lost a long battle with melanoma in the summer of 2009, shortly after the National Geographic photo was published. A portion of all sales will go to the Middlesex Cancer Center in his memory.

More of Neely's photographs are available for viewing on his Flickr site.

More photos after the page break below.

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