Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Kleckowski Requests Board Of Education Action On Donated Sick Time

Common Council member Deborah Kleckowski has expressed outrage that the school administration has continued to ignore requests by Local Union 466 to donate sick time to an employee who is temporarily disabled due to illness. 

The disabled employee is new to the system and no longer has sick time available to cover time off while she is out of work.  Local 466 requested, and was denied the ability to do so by the Board of Education.

After the recent court settlement mediated between the city and the BOE, the request was made again.  A MOU was requested by BOE Business Manager Nancy Haynes and was provided.

Kleckowski contends that the Administration has not responded as required by the court mediation, and has requested that the BOE demand action immediately.


  1. this is egregious. is there anything the public can do to weigh in and put the pressure on? thank you Councilwoman for persisting on it.

  2. Ed did you check with the City ? Ya know the Personnel Director, City Attorney or the Mayor about this ?

  3. That letter writer is what is wrong with our leaders. The word leader is used lightly in her case.


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