Sunday, January 23, 2011

From 1961: 17 Below Zero Reported Along Newfield Street

This article is from 50 years ago today, published in the Hartford Courant on January 23, 1961.
The forecast for today is for a comparatively balmy 7 below zero.

Policeman Howard Lineberry reported a thermometer reading of 17 below zero at his home on Newfield Street early Sunday morning. Other residents of the street confirmed the reading.

The temperature was nine below zero at 7 a.m. at Mr. [sic] Higby weather station, but caretaker Kornel Bailey said this was not a record; he said the temperature at 7 a.m. Saturday was 10 below zero.

City snow removal workers, who had worked in sub-zero cold Saturday, did not work Sunday, but firemen were called out four times Sunday morning between midnight and sunrise.

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