Thursday, December 23, 2010

Press Reports Drew to Be Appointed To Council

Confirmation of speculation printed on the Eye the evening Vinnie Loffredo resigned is confirmed by the Middletown Press today.  Dan Drew, who is an exploratory candidate for mayor, will fill Loffredo's vacant seat.


  1. who picks? Why is he next in line? That's unbelievable.

  2. Does this honestly come as a surprise to anyone who knows how this system is working in the democratic party. The old guys will give him the air time to build his platform to run for mayor. This was a no brainer. Corruption at its best. My money says that when he runs for mayor and has to give up his seat on the council which he won't even have for 6 months, they will give it to Phelps. Another follower! Hey Lisa- considering the town committee has the right to make the nomination in the fashion you have chosen, why not show your confidence and "support" and call for an election by the voters? If he is that good to be your guy for mayor then he should have no problem winning a simple little election for council.

  3. Where is the line???? Does it consist of people who are working hard at getting dems elected or serving on the committees and commissions????? Have they made their goals known????

  4. Just a putting Dan on the council Lisa's way of letting the voters see that he isn't mayor material and that she would make a much better candidate. Since moving to town, she has joined every fraternal organization and gotten herself into every article and picture that has appeared in the Press. Becoming Town Chair has only given her more opportunity to shape the Democratic agenda.

  5. Dan is a nice guy but I was disappointed when during the mayoral debates he spoke out of both sides of his mouth--in one breath criticizing the Rs for spending too little money and in another criticizing same for spending too much money. He was like a puppet on a string dancing in whatever direction he was asked to dance. He's a nice guy but I don't want to elect a mayor who can't think for himself.

    If Lisa is going to run the town committee then she'd better hurry up and right-size it soon. If she can open up the town committee to new people who have been kicked aside because they are not perfect "followers", and prove she is not afraid of dialog within the party, then I would be ok with her running for Mayor--she has done a lot of positive things since she has joined every organization in town. But let's see what she can do with the party, first.


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