Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Lesser Assigned to Watchdog Committee

House Speaker Christopher G. Donovan (D-Meriden) has chosen Rep. Matthew Lesser (D-Durham, Middlefield, Middletown) to serve as vice chairman of the Government Administration and Elections Committee.

“GAE is Connecticut's vital government watchdog,” Lesser said Wednesday. “We will help government run smarter and save taxpayers money.”

The committee has oversight of many areas, including reorganization of state government, ethics laws, the state Constitution and elections.

“GAE will be looking at many important issues over the next two years, from streamlining state government operations to the elections in Bridgeport,” Lesser said.

Lesser added that he was particularly honored to have been chosen for a committee leadership position in only his second term.

Lesser was recently re-elected to his second term in the General Assembly.

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