Wednesday, December 29, 2010

5th Annual White Out Night on Main Street

Tonight the Middletown Substance Abuse Prevention Council (MSAPC) hosted its 5th annual White Out Night to raise awareness and prevent people from drinking and driving on New Years Eve. As with past years the group was met by a number of Middletown teens who braved the cold and walked up and down Main St in white t-shirts handing out statistics on drinking and driving while also wishing people a safe new years. More than 35 teens helped with the event consisting of the Youth Service Bureau's Dragons In Action (Middletown High School), Rushford's Rams In Action (Woodrow Wilson Middle School), and students from the Middletown United Fathers' Men at School program (with mentor Malik Pemberton).

Members of the MSAPC present including representatives from the Middletown Youth Services Bureau, Rushford, 1 Family Inc., Middlesex County Substance Abuse Prevention Council as well as BOE member and local realtor Jay Keiser.

The walk started at the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce and went up and down Main St. The group stopped to warm up at the North End Fire Station where they tied red ribbons to a number of the trucks there. If you missed them on Main St tonight or on the evening news, you can look for them tonight at 10pm and 11pm as channel 3, 8, 30, and 61 were all present. This was a great event showcasing the leadership of our young people and it was nice to see so much media present.

White out number of drunk drivers:

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