Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Successful Night of Bossa Nova Fundraising

From Artists For World Peace

Wadsworth Mansion in Middletown, CT,  has hosted many extravagant events. As guests drove up the stately drive anticipating a truly special event, October 28, 2010 was no exception.  In the Mansion’s entryway, the mood was light and brewing with excitement. Guests were greeted by the soothing sounds of Bossa Nova and a festive swirl of colors, jewels and feathers. As the evening continued the unmistakable sound of samba drums and mouth-watering aromas of exotic Brazilian cuisine started a transformation of the mansion. Samba dancers paraded out and began dancing. Guests in attendance might easily imagine they had been transported to Brazil, and as if by magic, that’s exactly what happened. With the transformation complete, Artists for World Peace kicked off their “First International Celebration of Peace - A Night of Brazil!” This event was a successful fundraiser for the Dr. Yoram Kaufmann Scholarship Fund started by Artists for World Peace in 2009.  The first scholarship recipients will be young students from Connecticut and Brazil.

In between lively performances, the audience was educated about Dr. Yoram Kaufmann’s beliefs and dedication to humanitarian work.  Guest speakers sharing their experiences and remembrances of Dr. Kaufman included;  Wendy Black-Nasta, renowned jeweler and founder of Artists for World Peace, David Rottman, president of the Jung Foundation of New York and president of Zahav Books, and Michael Conforti, Ph.D., Jungian Analyst and founder/director of the Assisi Institute.

Brazilian music, food, dance and imagery became the backdrop of a live auction featuring artwork and jewelry from Brazilian and American artists, and many other exciting items including vacation getaways to Cape Cod and Florida.  The food was catered by Braza of Hartford and the desserts were donated by Coldstone Creamery and Tschudin Chocolates, both of Middletown.  The music was provided by Isabella and Company, Jose Paulo, and the Trinity Samba Ensemble. Dancers were from Grupo Batala.  All came together for this grand celebration of Brazil in CT.

Artists for World Peace (AFWP) traveled to Brazil in the summer of 2009 and brought 500 pairs of new shoes to the children of Santa Clara, an orphanage in Rio de Janeiro.  Through working with the children and staff at Santa Clara, AFWP learned of costly expenses to educate the children.  Wendy Black-Nasta was so moved by these children that she started a scholarship endowment fund in order to aid with their education. She named this endowment after her cherished friend, the late Dr. Yoram Kaufmann.

AFWP is a 501(c) 3 non profit organization.  It was founded in 2003 by Wendy Black-Nasta.  AFWP was started to foster world peace through artistic expression and raise funds that benefit humanitarian causes across the globe. Wendy designed the International Peace Belt (TIPB) which serves as the organization’s conduit for global cooperation. To date the peace belt has been to 21 countries on 5 continents.  The organization’s humanitarian efforts have provided educational support to children across the globe, contributes to women’s shelters, safe houses, and food banks, and sponsors local projects.
To learn more about this event and future projects, please visit
 or go to their face book page: artists for world peace.

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