Sunday, October 24, 2010

Milardo Responds To Kasper Allegations

Commentary by MMPA President, and city employee John Milardo

I read Councilwoman Kaspers article hoping to hear something different from the democrats on the Common Council, and understand why they have turned into this vegful, self serving group of politial bullies, with only one aim: to force their decisions onto everyone else.  I define 'everyone" as our local labor organizations, and the general public.

Ms. Kasper has now gone on attack mode, to protect herself, and her policial cronies.  I will address her comments one by one.

Ms. Kasper states several times, I am Superintendent of Parks, and my wife is Director of Personnel.  What's her point?  I have been a city employee for 4 decades, and met my wife while working.  I don't see that as a concern to anyone, just as Councilwoman Kasper doesn't and didn't see that as an issue when she and her husband both worked for the City.

The Councilwoman states I am abusing city resourses and time, as a Union representative.  As for performing Union acitivities during work, (as well as my private time), there is nothing illegal about it.  If it were illegal, she would have made a complaint several years ago.  Maybe I should not conclude she would know what is legal and illegal?  After all, she refused to step down from an elected post on the City of Middletown Retirement Committee, fully knowing her two year term had expired by almost 10 years!  And then tried to stay on without a proper election called by the City Unions.  She should be ashamed of trying to say someone else is violating anything!

I am still an active Union member/official; maybe over active?  There are a couple of diffences between how Ms. Kasper and myself perform(ed) Union activities.  When Ms. Kasper was an AFSCME Union member and City employee:  she was removed as a member in good standing by her union, for life!  Do you know how bad a person has to screw up to be thrown out of their own Union?  What I am trying to achieve is a new way of doing things in our City, through Union acitivies and assistance from Middletown taxpayers.  I am not doing it by sucking up to any of the local town committees and their members to make a change.  It should come from the average blue collar worker and taxpayers in our town.  That is who I am trying to enlist.

Another difference between Councilwoman Kasper and myself is; when the Director of Personnel and I married, one of us dropped our medical coverage (and didn't have to); to save the taxpayers the cost of two health insurance policies for one family.  Councilwoman Kasper and her husband, also a retired City of Middletown employee, both have kept their medical insurance coverages, just so they don't have to pay the $5 co-pays of their city provided health visits.  Ms. Kasper thinks nothing of letting the taxpayer pay thousands of dollars extra for her two full health insurance coverages, so she can save $5 for an office visit.

As for the Councilwoman stating how much I, as Parks Superintendent made in overtime in the year of 2008, I don't know if it's accurate, but I will tell you, I and the entire Parks & Recreation Maintenance Division work a lot during the year, as do many other City departments and their employees.  Ms. Kasper, as a Council member knows the reason why?  We are woefully understaffed, and have been for many, many, years.  We have 14 employees, and should have at least 30.  You do the math to find out how the work will get done.  It is an ongoing issue which the Common Council has not, and will not address.

I am not sure exactly what her implications are regarding my wages, and "special interest groups" have in common?   My wages and other information is open for public reveiw.  I am not hiding anything; never tried to, or have.  Is the Councilwoman saying I am the only MMPA or AFSCME employee who should not recieve overtime wages according to their bargaining agreements?  I believe she is fine with everyone else earning overtime (including herself when she was a City employee): the exception would be the MMPA President because he is going against the "Democratic Machine".  Gee, do you think she's is trying to defame me because I have the audacity to open my mouth?  How dare I!

In her capacity as a Council person, she is inferring there is something wrong or illegal with my earning overtime.  If she has facts to base her comments and implications, Councilwoman Kasper needs to file a complaint and bring it forward.  That is of course, if she is not just flapping her lips to take the heat off herself and her colleagues.  If her commentary is factual, she must bring the complaints to the legal process.  She took an oath to uphold the laws of Middletown and the United States of America; it is demanded of her to come forward and proceed with her findings; she was elected to a position, "by the people".  If she doesn't, then it is my duty to bring a complaint forward; against her!  (Point of Information:  Anything I mention or state as fact in any of the MMPA news letters, or commetaries, can be backed up.)

The "special interest" groups I refer to in my past letter regard those who claim to be non-profit, but make a profit and recieve tax abatements.  Or, the profitable entities who contribute to their political elections, and recieve monetary incentives by the Councils actions.

Please Hope, don't comment again, all you are doing is proving my point.


  1. Might I suggest that Milardo and Kasper set up their own little private pen-pal account far, far away from a public forum. I find it hard to believe that I'm the only one who's grown weary from all of this nonsense. John doesn't like the Democrats, Hope doesn't like John. Big deal.
    Enough, already.

  2. Did Milardo forget to add that he's been accused of CRIMINAL misuse of union resources by the AFT, the MMPA's parent union?

    That he has been publicly rebuked by his own leadership?

    When you're in a hole, sometimes it's better to stop digging.

  3. I agree. It's disheartening that this blog in recent months has chosen to print so many of these diatribes, along with self-serving commentary, while ignoring much of what is traditionally defined as news, such as the big Wes-Amherst Homecoming game Saturday before a crowd of 3,000-4,000. The tail-gating parties alone at the foot of Floss Hill were something to see -- a portrait of our times! Get out of the office and write about our rich forest city!

  4. Anon 5:22

    There are so many things I'd like to say, and could say, in response.

    Wes-Amherst is news? I can clearly see your priorities.

    Sorry that political squabbles don't measure up for you. Time to undo that ostrich pose.

    "Traditionally defined as news?" We are anything but traditional.

    Out of the office, eh? I walked through the tail-gate trying to exercise a severly painful lower back injury. Indeed, it was a reflection of our times.

    Now, whomever this is, stop teasing, or come to talk to me personally at the Eye office so I can give you an Eye earful.

  5. I kind of like this exchange. You pick up all kinds of great tid bits of information. For instance, I had no idea that town MANAGERS were eligible for overtime. Not only do municipal employees get raises while the private sector freezes wages and local taxes rise, but managers get overtime.

  6. Ed this is news and good or bad shows officials thoughts which every voter should know. Keep up the good work.

  7. John thank you for bringing to light Kaspers lies about being a 466 official. She doesn't represent them. Her claiming to is a politcal maneveur to align herself for votes.

  8. Dear Anon @ 5:22,

    I would have loved to read your eye-witness account of the Wes-Amherst game, since I missed it. Maybe with a photo or two included, plus some who's who about locals that were there!? Recipe tips from tailgate parties? I don't know much about football, but we may have readers who would be interested in that too!

    Next time you're headed out of the office, please bring your camera and notebook. You're hired! (Please contact us to discuss salary and benefits.)

    -Jen Alexander

  9. To Jen Alexander, Thank you for your civil reply. I'm just an old duffer who recalls, perhaps too wistfully, when 10,000 people (mostly from the city) packed Andrus Field to root for Wes. I am encouraged that you realize that in these tawdry times, the excellence that all sports celebrate is worthy of our attention. So raise your hip flask and let's hear it -- Fight, fight, fight, Go Wes!

  10. Me thinks Milardo doth protest too much. Did he do this on taxpayer dime too?

  11. I agree with Anonymous 5:22 that these kind of political back-and-forth posts are tedious and completely uninteresting. However, it's not my blog, and it's easy enough to skip over. I am grateful to the Eye for keeping me informed. Just wanted to let you know that you're not the only one who finds these posts "tawdry."

  12. 466 and some other unions did not get raises last year or this year. For all those in the private sector who complain that union workers get fantastical wages and free this or that grow up and stop being jealous. Blue and white collar office workers have negotiated not to get cost of living increases for a few years now so not only do they also feel the pain of the poor economy just like you but have to deal with citizens' claims of job abuse daily. Their contract and every job description is public record for those who wish to get off their butts and go to city hall and read it. Yes town managers and BOE disciple & police officer can get overtime but your average worker cannot so do not lump them in. Kasper should publically apologize for falsely claiming 466 affiliation. We don't want her .

  13. As a white collar state employee, not only do we not get raises, but My union agreed to furlough days, so my salary has effectively been decreased the past two years in a row.

  14. So you take as your furlough day Veteran's Day or Thanksgiving. You don't report to work but get the holiday pay just the same.

  15. To anon 10:35

    The days I can take as furlough are strictly limited and in fact Veteran's day is not eligible. I am a salaried employee so I do not get holiday pay or overtime. Whether I account for specific furlough days or not my salary is reduced by three days this year. It is a concession I was willing to make, but the reality is that I most certainly did not get any raises and my salary has been reduced the past two years.

  16. I continue to hear that state employee's haven't had a raise in the last year. However, when I check the web site ( that contains salary information it looks like pay increased between 2008 and 2010.

    I am quickly concluding that state employees have a very narrow defination of "raise". Perhaps they consider the merit increase (raise #1) seperate from the cost of living increase (raise #2) seperate from the longevity bonus (raise #3)? Either way...the typical state worker's pay is greater this year then it was last year.

  17. Mr. Milardo says: "Councilwoman Kasper and her husband, also a retired City of Middletown employee, both have kept their medical insurance coverages."

    My question is, how does he come by this knowledge? Does he have legitimagte access to City personnel records for Ms. Kasper and her husband as part of his official duties? And even if so, is disclosing this information perhaps a violation of the privacy regulations under HIPAA?

    Inquiring minds might want to know.


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