Saturday, October 23, 2010

Middlesex County Historical Society Honored by State and National History Organizations

The Middlesex County Historical Society was honored to receive an Award of Merit at the annual state meeting of the Connecticut League of History Organizations at the Old State House in Hartford in June. The Society’s Civil War initiative, which includes the current exhibit “Hard & Stirring Times: Middletown and the Civil War,” the placement of the exhibit on its website,, and the development of curriculum using the Society’s Civil War archives for the local middle and high schools, was cited for recognition.

The American Association for State and Local History presented the Society an Award of Merit at that group’s annual meeting in Oklahoma City on September 24. Terry L. Davis, President and CEO, wrote, “The AASLH Leadership in History Awards is the nation’s most prestigious competition for recognition of achievement in state and local history. We congratulate you for the work that has brought this honor.” The full list of Connecticut honorees can be found at

The initiative was funded by a grant from the Connecticut Humanities Council with matching support provided by the Middlesex County Historical Society’s Antique and Classic Car Show Committee and many private donations.

The exhibit can be viewed at the Society’s headquarters, The General Joseph Mansfield House, 151 Main Street, Middletown. Museum hours are Tuesday through Thursday, 10 to 3, and Friday, 10 to 12. Genealogical and archival research is available by appointment.

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