Sunday, October 17, 2010

Halloween Celebration in McCarthy Park

What: Trick-or-Treat at McCarthy Park
Join us for an afternoon of trick-or-treating and a celebration of Halloween!  There will be candy, refreshments, music, fun activities, and friends from Wesleyan and Middletown.  All ages are welcome.  Stay as long as you’d like, and come in costume!

Where: McCarthy Park

When: HALLOWEEN: October 31, 2010 from 2-4pm

Why: The Sociology of Public Cultures class at Wesleyan University is hosting this event to celebrate Halloween, bring awareness to McCarthy Park, and promote a sense of community among Wesleyan students and the greater Middletown area.


  1. McCarthy Park is on 1 Hotchkiss Street. Hope to see you there!

  2. Change the park's name back to City School Field.


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