Monday, October 18, 2010

Free Recycling of Electronics at Recycling Center

From the Middletown Public Works Department

The City of Middletown is pleased to announce residential electronics can now be recycled at the City’s Recycling Center at no charge. 

Acceptable materials include televisions, monitors, computers, and printers.  Also acceptable are cell phones, copiers, fax machines, Ipods, PDAs, modems, computer peripherals (keyboards, mouse’s, etc..), stereo and radio equipment, telephones, typewriters, speakers, microwave ovens, digital cameras, VCRs and DVD players.

Televisions, monitors, computers and printers must remain segregated from all other items at the Recycling Center.  Residents are asked to place them in the proper containers. 

In accordance with State Law, only residential equipment is acceptable and residents can only bring seven items or less in at a time. 

The Recycling Center is open Monday – Friday 7am – 3pm and every Saturday through November 7am – 12 noon.  In December, the Recycling Center will only be open the first and third Saturday of the month. The Recycling Center is located on the corner of Johnson St and North Main St. 

A residence pass must be obtained to use the Center.  This can be obtained from the Department of Public Works in City Hall.  Bring in your vehicle registration and pass will be given free of charge.

For more information, contact the City Recycling Coordinator, Kim O’Rourke, at 860-344-3526.

1 comment:

  1. As long time user of the Middletown recycling center - formerly known as the dump - I am elated that Middletown is providing a needed service to residents to do the right thing with their electronic waste. I thank all that made this possible.

    Rex Hennessey


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