Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Spear Park Trees Spared

According to an email sent to Mayor Sebastian Giuliano by Parks Superintendent John Milardo, a group of city and non-city employees, with a stake in Spear Park, met Wednesday morning and decided that heavy pruning of the trees would suffice to create better visibility and security in the park.  Formerly, several of the trees had been scheduled for felling.

Milardo's memo reads:

A meeting was held this morning at Spear Park, with Urban Forestry Commission members; Tony Marino, Dana Whitney (City of Middletown Arborist/Forester), Water & Sewer Director Guy Russo;
Housing Authority Director Bill Vasiliou, Parks Division Supervisor Gerard Cyr, and myself.  The issue pertained to the what can be done to the trees within the park, other than elimination of several, to make the area more visible and secure?  
A recommendation was made by the City Forester, to have all the trees, heavily pruned, to trim them back.  That is what will be done.  If for some reason this tactic does not work out well, we will revisit the issue at a later date.


  1. Great news. Thank you to everyone who helped save the trees in Spear Park.

  2. Glad to hear this good news!!

  3. As long as people "seniors" in the area are safe I am fine with it.

  4. That's great! Thanks to John Milardo and everyone who helped save these trees.

  5. Wow! This is so sensible.

  6. "[M]y intentions are to remove the 37 year old overgrown trees . . . . Rallying to save several trees in a concrete park on Main Street, which the commenters walk by on a regular basis, is ludicrious."

    John Milardo, August 26, 2010

    Sounds like he was outvoted at the meeting.

  7. I'm assuming that he listened to us and looked for a compromise, but who knows.


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