Thursday, July 8, 2010

Shakespeare in the Grove Starts Tonight

Artfarm's production of As You Like It opens tonight at Middlesex Community College. Tonight's concert before the play features Nancy Tucker ("blends comedy, spirited guitar instrumentals and moving songs of human experience in her music for people of all ages.")

Concert starts at 6PM, play at 7PM.

The play runs through Sunday this week, and again from Thursday through Sunday next week, the musical performances before the show are different each night, SEE HERE for the listings.


  1. I love the Art Farm productions and go every year. However, I do wish they'd stop advertising it as "free". It's not free. It cost $20. Why not just advertise "suggested donation" or other wording so as not to confuse people?

  2. To be free, or not to be free. That is the question.


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