Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rolling on the River

Many Eye readers know of the monthly get-togethers known as “Meet Your Greens,”
a local variant on the “Green Drinks” themed events in many cities. Inspired by Claire Rusowicz, Director of Development at The Rockfall Foundation, and executed with great flair and verve by local environmental consultant and co-coordinator, Jennifer Weymouth, “Meet Your Greens” has just celebrated its first anniversary.

While most of the monthly events have been in restaurants around and about the county, the occasion of this birthday warranted something more exciting. RiverQuest, a locally-owned and environmentally-minded excursion company, leaped into the breech. Their offer: come along on their spanking-clean, newly renovated boat, and see Middlesex County from the river’s point of view.

Twenty-five or so green folks were unable to resist the offer, and arrived toting astonishing quantities of food and beverages. Not to be outdone, host and hostess Mark (Captain) and Mindy (First Mate) provided lavish snacks and unobtrusive nature commentary. Want to know how many pairs of eagles Connecticut boasts right now? They can tell you.

In tune with the celebratory nature of the evening, Mother Nature served up dazzling blue skies, refreshing breezes, the occasional cirrus cloud, an early-rising gibbous moon and, finally, a spectacular sunset. A young osprey looked back at our multiple pairs of binoculars with a look that said, “Big deal!”

To us featherless bipeds, it was a big deal, and a sweet deal – many thanks to RiverQuest!(RiverQuest, aka Connecticut River Expeditions, runs daily from Eagle Landing State Park in Haddam. Go to for more information.) “Meet Your Greens” meets monthly, except in August and December, on the third Tuesday of the month. Venues and presentation topics are posted a week in advance on Rockfall’s website You can join the group’s –e-mail list to receive e-notices by contacting Claire at crusowicz@rockfallfoundation.orgYou can even join us on Facebook! 

1 comment:

  1. It's always a treat--and a rejuvenating experience--to go for a cruise on the RiverQuest. I recommend it highly! It was extremely generous of Mark and Mindy to provide a free ride to the "Meet Your Greens" crew, and much appreciated too. The sunset was particularly spectacular that evening. Thanks to Brian Stewart for providing the beautiful photograph included with the article.


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