Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Connection Hosts Cook-Off For A Cause, Seeks Restaurant Participants

From the Connection 

The Connection at our Cook Off for a Cause on Thursday, August 26, from 5:30 – 9 p.m. at the Polish Falcon Grove at 144 Prout Hill Road, Middletown. The Jon Peckman Band will be there, he’s the drummer for Jeff Pitchell, so they should be awesome. We’re going to have give aways and so far we have 9 confirmed restaurants participating in the cook off. We’re shooting for 12, so if there’s a restaurant that you think has great chili, let me know so we can contact them. The event is going to be catered by the Lincoln Culinary Institute, and they’ll be cooking barbecue chicken, veggies, side salads, cornbread and more.

The tickets are only $25, which gets you food, giveaway tickets, and two tickets for cold beer or wine. And there will be plenty soda, water and lemonade. You can get tickets on line

It should be a really good time, only made better if you can all come!

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