Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Man Charged With Assault

From the Middletown Police Department

On 6/27/10 the Middletown Police Department received a third party complaint regarding a past assault.  The witness stated that he was on the phone with the victim and that a male then got on the phone asking who was on the phone, then the line went dead. The male was later identified as the accused, Robert McLellan. The witness later saw the victim, who had bruises on her neck and wrists.  The victim told the witness that the accused, Robert McLellan tried to choke her and threatened to kill her.  

Officers then went to the victim’s  house and spoke with her regarding the incident with McLellan.   The victim stated that McLellan somehow got into her apartment, she told McLellan to leave because there was a restraining order against him.  McLellan then grabbed her cell phone, pushed her into the bathroom and held the door shut.  McLellan then entered the bathroom, threatened to kill her and grabbed her neck.  The victim was able to get her cell phone back and McLellan left. 
The victim had visible bruising on her neck and both arms. 

McLellan was located in the area and arrested.  McLellan was held on a $50,000 bond and given a court date of 6/28/10. 
McLellan was charged with: 
Assault 3rd 53a-61
Criminal Violation of a Restraining Order 53a-223b
Threatening 2nd 53a-62
Criminal Trespass 1st 53a-107
Interfering with an emergency call 53a-183b
Strangulation 2nd 53a-64bb
Unlawful Restraint 2nd 53a-96

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