Saturday, May 15, 2010

Szewczyk Nominated to Run in the 100th

From the Szewczyk Campaign

This past Tuesday night, May 11th 2010, Durham Selectman John Szewczyk accepted the Republican Nomination for the 100th Legislative District which covers Middletown, Middlefield, Rockfall, and Durham in front of a standing room only crowd at Durham Town Hall.  Former Middlefield Selectman David Lowry delivered the nominating speech in which he talked about Szewczyk’s diverse background as a Selectman, a Hartford Police Officer and a Trinity College graduate and how his experience would benefit the residents of the 100th district.

Szewczyk then accepted the nomination delivering a heartfelt speech in which he thanked the members of the community for the nomination before talking about the virtues of government and the opportunities that are present for individuals who are willing to work hard and take personal responsibility for their actions.

Szewczyk, 32, has been a member of the Board of Selectmen since 2007 where he has been the voice of fiscal discipline and has been recognized throughout the state for helping Durham become one of the few communities where property taxes actually decreased.  Before being elected to the Board of Selectman in 2007, Szewczyk served on Durham’s Board of Assessment Appeals and Public Safety Committee.  He has been a decorated member of the Hartford Police Department since 2002 where he has received numerous commendations.  He is a graduate of Trinity College with a degree in Education and Political Science and a graduate of Coginchaug Regional High School.

Szewczyk has received the support of the chief elected officials in each town in the district; Mayor Sebastian Giuliano in Middletown, First Selectman Jon Brayshaw in Middlefield, and First Selectwoman Laura Francis in Durham.

Szewczyk stated he is looking forward to a positive campaign based on the issues facing the residents of Connecticut and wants to return fiscal discipline to state government.  He is also eager to improve job creation in the region, something that the current legislature has failed to adequately address.  Szewczyk can be reached at 860 349 0003 or at

1 comment:

  1. Deborah KleckowskiMay 16, 2010 at 12:13 AM

    John, Congratulatons! I wish you much success. I look forward to you being elected. Your passion for good govenment is second to none. You will certainly be an asset to the towns you will represent, and to Connecticut.Good luck!

    Deborah Kleckowski
    Middletown Common Council member


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