Friday, May 21, 2010

Indoor Fireworks

In the courtroom today where the city and the Board of Education presented dueling lawsuits, Common Council member Vinnie Loffredo, who was subpoenaed as a witness may have gotten off the best line.

"The citizens complained that we cancelled the fireworks," Loffredo deadpanned.  "We didn't, we just moved them up a month.  And in the end these fireworks (referring to the scene in the courtroom), are going to cost us just as much.  There's a lot of high-priced talent up there."


  1. Why have the fireworks..It's time to tighten the belt and save the city money. What a waste of money to the taxpayer..

  2. No, the line of the day was School Superintendent Michael Frechette saying, "My ethics are better than none."

  3. School Superintendent Michael Frechette has brought nothing to Middletown except lower grades and higher expenses. Time for him to retire, ,and the BOE too.............


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