Monday, March 29, 2010

Tonight! LinkedIn for Job Seekers at Russell Library

Thomas Clifford will teach you how to maximize job searches with LinkedIn by creating a powerful profile, effectively communicating with networks, discovering the best contacts, joining worthwhile groups, and obtaining strong recommendtions. Thomas is an award-winning business media producer and communications enthusiast, is an "Expert Blogger" for with his own blog ranked among the world's best leading marketing and media sites by AdAge. The program takes place in the Russell Library Hubbard Room from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. Monday, March 29. Sign up at the Russell Library Information Desk or by calling 860-347-2520. If you need any special accommodation, contact Michelle Foyt at 860-347-2528, ext. 121 or in advance. This program is funded by a Middletown Community Development Block Grant.

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