Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Serra Announces State Road Funding

From the office of Representative Joseph Serra

State Representative Joseph Serra (D-33), who represents Middletown in the Connecticut General Assembly, said state aid that funds local paving projects and road repairs was approved when the State Bond Commission today.

Serra, a member of the legislature’s Transportation Committee, said Middletown can anticipate receiving $304,908, about the same level as last year, within the next 30 days.  

“These funds help stabilize local property taxes and put people to work on projects that need to be done,” Serra said. “Though these important grants are coming later than expected this year, I am glad they are finally being released.”

Also known as TAR, Town Aid for Roads grants are generally released in January and July each year. However, due to the state budget deficit, Governor Rell proposed borrowing to pay for this year’s road funds via bonding instead of the traditional method of issuing grants as part of the state operating budget.

Rep. Serra is a Chair of the Legislature’s Select Committee on Aging and also serves on the Judiciary and Transportation Committees.

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