Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Raid Our Gallery

submitted by Peg Arico:

The Middlesex Hospital Cancer Center will host a large-format photography show, “Raid Our Gallery,” on April 8 at the Center at 536 Saybrook Road in Middletown. This unique event features the work of some of today’s foremost large-format photographers. Large format does not refer to the image size, but to the size of the film the image is captured on. The photographers use unique processes in developing their images including silver, platinum, glass and tin to create truly unique prints.

In partnership with the New England Large Format Photography Collective, the Raid Our Gallery event benefits the Center for Survivorship and Integrative Medicine at the Cancer Center. There are 100 gallery tickets available for sale. Each ticket is numbered. During the preview, ticket holders select their favorite prints in order of preference. During the random drawing, when their number is called, they may select an available print from their list of favorites. Last year, nearly everyone went home with one of their top choices.

This photo is a sample of the type of large-format photography that will be on display and available for Gallery ticket holders to take home during the Raid Our Gallery event to benefit the Middlesex Hospital Center for Survivorship and Integrative Medicine. This photo is the work of Glenn Curtis of Durham.

Gallery tickets are $150, which includes the reception and one print to take home. Reception-only tickets are $25. Registration and reception start at 6:00 p.m., with the drawing at 7:30 p.m. For more information or to register for the event, please contact Sally Ann Lee at (860) 358-6200.

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