Sunday, February 7, 2010

Red Cross Sets Up Center to Help Blast Victim Families

From Bill Flood.  Photo by Bill Flood.

Eleven patients were taken to Middlesex Hospital, mostly by ambulance, some by private vehicle, none by helicopter.

Two were treated and released, one was transferred to Hartford Hospital, and the other 8 patients were being evaluated as of this afternoon.

While the hospital drills several times a year for mass casualty events, no one there could recall the last time they actually had to put their plan in place.  As of 3pm, they were not expecting any more patients, but would have to wait and see.

 The patients they treated were suffering from blast injuries and secondary blast injuries - that is, injuries from the blast, and injuries from landing or from debris.  Patients told staff they were thrown 30-40 feet by the explosion.

  Mark Brinkerhoff of the Red Cross said their volunteers were gathered in the Middletown City Council Chambers, meeting with some family members and providing counseling and assistance as needed, to any one affected by the blast, including workers, their families, or area families affected by the blast.  Anyone needing assistance can call (860) 347-2577.  Right now, they seem to be assessing the need.  People looking to donate can donate to the Red Cross, but so doesn't seem to be anything specifically in place.

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