Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mentor DVD Training Created

From the Middlesex Chamber of Commerce 

The Middlesex County Chamber of Commerce announced the creation of a new training program for the volunteers of the Middletown Mentor Program.   The new training program is designed to ensure that both current and future volunteers of the Program are properly trained.  Program Coordinator Hal Kaplan contacted long-time friend and colleague, Dr. Susan G. Weinberger, President of Mentor Consulting Group, Norwalk, to administer this new training. 

The new training program consists of an updated training DVD, which was produced by Nils Toledo and Franklin Peralta, Jr., students of teacher Lauren Pszczolkowski’s TV/Video Production class at Middletown High School that utilizes the school’s BlueTube television station. The students worked with Dr. Weinberger to film and edit the DVD using professional-grade equipment.

Nils and six other BlueTube students are currently planning a field trip to Anaheim, California in March to attend the Student Television Network Convention, which is a national contest.  You can visit  for more information about the BlueTube station.

To become a volunteer with the Middletown Mentor Program, please contact Jennifer at the Middlesex Chamber at 860-347-6924 or email her  Hal Kaplan can be contacted at 860-347-3635 or

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