Saturday, December 19, 2009

Merry Main Street

Although I'm incapable of sending out my own, I truly love to receive holiday cards in the mail every December. One of my favorites this year comes from Trevor Davis, whose real estate company specializes in helping people find space for their businesses in downtown Middletown.

His annual calendar card this year includes photos of many beautiful storefronts from our Main Street and environs. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Happy Holidays to you too, Trevor!


  1. The card is really about all the RETAIL storefronts. Its interesting. Never thought of some of these stores to shop at. I have been going to them for XMAS shopping. You really can do allot of XMAS shopping downtown.

    Thanks Trevor

  2. what good are shops if there isnt a nice big and safe lot to park in, those people that shot down the Mellilli lot should be ashamed..revitilize the downtown with no parking. I hear more and more about Middletowns parking issues

  3. Dear Anonymous of 12/19 8:17,

    I would have been ashamed to vote to spend over $1,000,000 of Middletown money on a parking lot project that did not add one single parking space. The current two lots have 260 parking spaces and the "new, improved" lot would have 260 parking spaces. How can you ask the Middletown taxpayer to pony up for a deal like that, in this economy?

    We have given public parking over to Mr. Harding and Mr. Masselli, and our $12,500,000 new parking garage will not add any new parking to downtown Middletown. Parking is a mess and I have not heard anything from our Parking Department or the Advisory Committee that was supposed to hit the ground running.

  4. If you went to the mall you would park farther away and think nothing of it. There is more than ample parking in Mellili. I have only had about one occasion out of literally about two thousand trips to Main Street when I was unable to find a spot either in Mellili or on the street. Below Mellili there is a lot that can be accessed from deKoven, You just have to walk up a couple steps to get up to Mellilii and you can park right by the edge of the Mellili lot. In addition there is street parking on Court Street, College Street, William Street behind Red and Black Cafe and also by Destinta. Its really quite puzzling to hear complaints about parking because I rarely ever have any problem and find the mall parking lots to be much more troublesome. Its just a matter of perspective. Change your attitude and you will be happy that downtown is so convenient.

  5. Bauer you dont get it, but then again thats why every Council vote is 11 - 1. You are afraid to take a stand, always safe to vote no. that city hall lot is always empty when mellili is full. I know you park there for free all the time but the fact is the average suburban shopper (who we need downtown to succed) doesnt park down there, blending the two makes complete sence. I would rather create a good lot downtown than keep paving perfectly fine roads all the time, thats how the $1 million will be spent if not for this lot and you darn well know it.

  6. Parking is a problem on Main Street but there is plenty off of Main. Thanks to Councilman Bauer for looking out for the taxpayer.

    I only wish more people in government would share his wise management of taxpayer finances.

  7. Hey, Thanks for the kind words and compliments about the card that I designed for Trevor Davis.

    If you'd like to see more of my work, check out my website at

    Happy Holidays!


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