Thursday, December 3, 2009

Inland Wetlands Commission Delays Consideration of Violation

At the suggestion of city staff, the Inland Wetlands Commission agreed to put off consideration of an application for clear-cutting, excavation, and filling of wetlands on Newfield Street. The apparent destruction of the wetlands, which are owned by Phil Armetta, was done on a weekend in the summer, to provide parking and enhanced visibility for an auto dealership on an adjacent property, also owned by Armetta.

Armetta has owned both parcels since developing the site into a landfill in the 1990s. The construction of the auto dealership required him to apply for an Inland Wetlands permit in 2007.

At the September meeting of the Inland Wetlands Commission, Armetta explained that he was unaware that he had encroached into the wetlands. The Commission asked Armetta to file a retroactive application for this summer's work on the wetlands. Chairman Joe Carta indicated that he expected Armetta's application to be heard at the October meeting. In October, the commission received a report which confirmed that "... wetland functioning has been removed by the recent earth moving," and decided to place Armetta's application under "New Business" for the November meeting, so that it could then be considered under "Old Business" in December.

At the November meeting, the Commissioners asked Armetta to hire a soil scientist to evaluate the altered wetlands, with the expectation that his application would be considered at last night's meeting.

Last night, the operators of the auto dealership, Seth Sevimli and Nej Saydam, appeared before the commission on behalf of Armetta. After the meeting I asked Sevimli why Armetta, who as landowner is listed as the applicant for the wetlands permit, was not present. Sevimli said that Armetta had appeared at previous meetings and was following the matter closely, pointing at the screen, "He's watching on TV."

Zoning Enforcement Officer Bruce Driska told the commissioners that the applicant had not been aware that he was supposed to hire a soil scientist, blaming this on a miscommunication in the Planning Office. Sevimli told the Commission that he had met with Driska on Tuesday, that they hired a soil scientist on Wednesday. Driska said that he had visited the site a few hours before the meeting, and asked them to move the cars and trucks out of the wetlands area. Referring to Sevimli and Saydam as the "applicant", he said, "they've been cooperative."

Driska suggested the commissioners put off consideration of the application until their next meeting, and stated that the soil scientist's report would be available for the commissioners two weeks prior to the meeting. The commissioners agreed, and Armetta's retroactive application will be considered on January 6th.

Middle Street Office Building
Daniel Carter, representing the owner of a property on Middle Street near the intersection with Timber Ridge, presented an application to build a two-story office building, with parking which will cover approximately 1000 square feet of wetlands. The 0.89 acre parcel currently has a residence.

The commissioners led a vibrant discussion with Carter, peppering him with questions about the drainage (a 'dry' detention pond is planned), the depth of groundwater (the applicant didn't know), and the layout of the parking (in front of the building). They strongly urged the use of a new type of porous concrete which will allow rain water and snow melt to drain through into
the soil below the hard surface.

The application was approved with the condition that the applicant "look into" pervious concrete for at least parts of the parking lot.


  1. With respect to the question of a wetlands violation on the Armetta property on Newfield St: Why does one require a soil scientist when one can see standing water and reeds at the North end of the property - even today? They have already put the topping layer of stone over the larger underlayment stone in this area and are utilizing it while the Inlands Commission fiddles.

  2. Armetta is obviously playing dumb and he should not be allowed to continue to get away with this destruction, abuse of the land, and violating the rules and procedures. Claiming ignorance is not valid.

  3. To Anonymous 12:24-- I guess you don't get out much. Ask around about Mr. Armetta.


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