Monday, December 14, 2009

Connwood Foresters Christmas Trees

This year we again went to Connwood Foresters in Rockfall for our Christmas tree. Connwood is a forestry consulting firm in Rockfall, at 39 Cherry Hill Road.

Connwood has both standard sized beautiful Christmas trees for $20 to $40, and a pretty extensive selection of blue ribbon specials--trees tagged with blue tape which are "too big" to be Christmas trees, available for only $10.

Since our Christmas tree motto seems to be "bigger is better", we cannot resist the supersized trees. It's hard to turn down a 20' tree for $10, even knowing that we'll need to trim half of it off the bottom.

This year Connwood also is offering other local products, including honey, blue bird boxes, and beeswax candles molded into evergreens. Having saved so much money on our tree, we went home with three of the candles to give to family members.

As we harvested the tree, we were treated to a lovely chorus of bells from nearby Saint Colman's Church. It seemed a fitting serenade for the task at hand.

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