Saturday, November 21, 2009

Ways to Serve the Community - Vacancies on Town Committees and Commissions

Mayor Sebastian Giuliano has said more than once in public, if you want to get involved in helping make the city a better place, volunteer to serve on a municipal committee or commission. There are several vacancies now open, some with party restrictions, and anyone interested in serving is advised to call the mayor's office, 80-344-3400. The following vacancies and potential reappointments are pending:

Exipiration of term - reappointment possible

Board of Ethics: Shaw and Stein (a 3 year appointment and a 5 year appointment available)

Board of Health: Raven Fenmore (appointment expired 7/09)

Cable Advisory Committee: J. Pulino, D. Russo, J Schilke, A Sicuso, B. Wilson (expired 7/09). This committee of six has party restrictions, with a maximum of four seats for one party.

Citizens Advisory Committee: V. Amato, E. Jackson, A Watson

Committee Concerning People with Disabilities: S. Shapiro, alternate (expired 4/09). Cannot be a Democratic appointment.

Harbor Improvement Agency: W. Sheil (expires 1/10)

Human Relations: Boyce, DeFrance, Monarca, Joseph (expires 1/10)

Inland/Wetland and Water Courses Agency: J. Pieper, alternate (expired 10/09)

Long Hill Estate: R. Kennedy

Juvenile Review Board: Mike Foster (expired 9/08), C. Jacobucci, T. Termine, B. Viela (expired 9/2009)

Middletown Preservation and Design Review Board: B. Kronenberg, B. Shoemaker

Park and Recreation Commission: R. Romano (expired 11/09)

Retirement Board: Richard Simone (expired 5/09)

Sanitation District: Seb Santacroce (expired 10/09)

Standardization and Specification Committee: Phil Cacciola, Donna Imme, Geen Thazhampallath

Transit District: S. Shapiro (expired 7/09), R. Gatehouse (expired 11/09)

Urban Forestry: A. Marino (expires 12/09)

Youth Services: E. Nocera, L. Owens (expired 9/09)

Zoning Board of Appeals: E. Russo (expired 7/09), Annabel Resnisky (expires 11/09)


Citizens Advisory Committee (1 vacancy - banking insurance seat) A non-Democratic appointment must be appointed.

Conservation Commision: Alternate vacancy - non-Democratic.

Connecticut River Assembly: Vacancy.

Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Agency: 2 vacancies, 1 alternate vacancy.

Resource Recycling: 2 vacancies.

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