Monday, November 9, 2009

Around Middletown in 80 Days - Day 76

Middlesex County Community Foundation
Live Local

Give Local

Over the last 75 days, Phileas Fogg has experienced much of what Middletown has to offer. He consulted with citizens of our great city, looking for ways to give back to this community that has welcomed him and shown him such remarkable sights over the last 12 weeks.

The Middlesex County Community Foundation, a local non-profit organization, helps people do just that very thing. Phileas went to check them out and learned about the recently launched "Live Local Give Local" campaign. The Community is where we work, where we play, where we raise our children, where we call home. It is our responsibility as citizens to exercise good stewardship within our communities. Live locally and give locally to preserve the quality of life in our towns through these challenging times. As a tourist to our great town, Phileas was happy to put some of his travel expenses to good use and stimulate the local economy. To learn more, check out the MCCF's website.

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