Monday, October 26, 2009

Candidate Profile: Common Council - Hope Kasper

All Middletown municipal government candidates have been invited to complete a questionnaire about their candidacy. This is one in a series of profiles based on submitted questionnaires. Profiles will be published in the order they are received from candidates.

Hope Petras Kasper (D)
Incumbent candidate for Common Council


Born, raised and educated in Middletown

Married 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters, 2 grandsons

Past Secretary/Treasurer and Vice President AFSCME Local 466

Past Treasurer Valley View Children’s Center\

Secretary/Treasurer CT Center for Patient Safety


Past member of Conservation Commission

Served on Assessment Appeals Board – 2 terms

20 year member of the Retirement Board that is currently the only fully funded municipal pension in the State of Connecticut

Qualifications for position

Former Insurance Agent and 22 year retired employee of the City of Middletown working for the Planning and Zoning Department, Building Department and retiring from the Police Department as their budget analyst being responsible for all grants and the budget.

Reasons for running

I’m running to continue my work on Economic Development to attract business and create jobs in Middletown to grow the tax base thereby holding the line on property taxes. Also to provide a thorough analysis of the budget to provide services to the citizens as well keeping watchful eye on taxes.


On Insurance and Claims I wish to further look for reductions in premium costs – last term a savings of $3,175,000. was realized due to competitive bidding

On Economic Development to attract a much needed department store to Middletown along with other businesses to increase the tax base.

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