Thursday, September 24, 2009

Local Actors Take Note: A Wes Student Film Looking for Non-Student Actors

It's often the case that Wesleyan Film Studies students filming their senior thesis films cast them with actors much like themselves - college age student actors.

Wesleying reports a film directed by senior Milla Bell-Hart and produced by Josh Gordon, looking for a young actress (age 7-12), and an older male and female lead (male: 30's-50's, female 25-50's). Plus a number of supporting roles.

Audition times:

MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 28th in Wesleyan University’s CFA Theater Studios, Room 114. Come prepared for a dry reading.

Audition notice here.

Monday, Sept. 28 from 4:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Saturday, Oct. 3 from 9:15 AM – 12:00 PM
Place: CFA Theater Studios: East Room (114)

Please contact Josh Gordon at jlgordon@wes by September 27th for further details including audition times.

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