Saturday, September 19, 2009

Around Middletown in 80 Days: Day 26

Harbor Park

From Phileas’ journal: Harbor Park is a fine spot from which to view the majestic Connecticut River. I learned that in the 1700s, Middletown was a bustling port, comparable in activity to Boston and New York. I was saddened to learn that much of the activity was connected to the slave trade, happily long since abolished. Commerce on the river has now been replaced by recreation. As I strolled along the river, I saw sailboats bobbing at anchor, as if eager for another outing before the winter winds arrived. Young men and ladies from the local University and High School rowed their sculls with tremendous energy. I stood before the statue of Christopher Colombus, erected by the citizens of Middletown, and I contemplated my own upcoming voyage, one even more ambitious, I daresay, than that of the great Italian explorer.

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