Friday, August 14, 2009

Oh, Deer!

During a morning walk over the Arrigoni Bridge, I was on the South side of the Bridge, Portland side when a deer, which had been bedded down in the thick weeds near the guardrail, jumped to its feet.

I don't know who was more startled, the yearling, or me. I let out an involuntary yelp, and the deer hopped a few feet away then stopped to check me out.

I was the only one with a camera so I snapped this photo. I hope the deer was able to get back to bed and get a few more hours sleep before the next walker disturbed its slumber.


  1. How sweet is that?! Glad you are not permanently grumpy about motorcycle oldsters...Don't beat yourself up for one little slide towards the Dark Side. Your generally sunny disposition and positive outlook are an inspiration!

  2. Actually, I loved the post of the motorcycle oldsters. I mailed it to my motorcycle friend (who is not the type you described). We both cracked up.


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