Friday, August 28, 2009

Around Middletown in 80 Days: Day 4

North End Farmer's Market

Main Street

My Friends,

I write you for the first time. Located in the heart of this urban metropolis, I have discovered vendors peddling local produce and legumes. I quickly purchased several fresh fruits, for on a journey such as this, one knows not how long until I come by fresh foods again. With the traditional New England harvest just around the corner, I know not how long these fresh local merchants will make the journey to the city streets. Of all things, I also discovered the most wonderful pies! You must join me today.

P.S. - Yesterday at the Chamber of Commerce, I encountered the most interesting creature. A large dog, trained to walk on two legs. Simply amazing! He was the very first to accept a photograph with me.

-Phileas Fogg

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