Friday, July 24, 2009

Reminders for this Weekend (7/24-26)

The Bard of Avon's words are rife in Middletown as the Oddfellows Playhouse Summer Shakespeare Academy presents "Love's Labours Lost" through Saturday on the OP Mainstage. The show can be seen at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Call 347-6143 for reservations.

ARTFARM's production of "The Taming of the Shrew" was forced inside Chapman Hall at MXCC last night by the monsoon (okay, the rain) but the debut set by Rani Arbo & Mark Erelli helped smooth out the wrinkles. The play, while perhaps not as expansive as the outdoor performances, was still lots of fun, noisy, boisterous, silly and athletic. The show runs through Sunday, with 7 p.m. performances each night. Musical guests include the Noah Baerman Trio (Friday), Dr. Dennis Waring (Saturday) and Carlos Hernandez-Chavez (Sunday.) The pre-show concert commences at 6 p.m. Sunday, the Eco-Festival begins at 4 p.m. and, judging by last week's participants, quite informative, tasty, and fun for the whole family. For more information, go to

Only one show this weekend at The Buttonwood Tree - it takes place tonight (Friday) and features the duo of Miles Nasta & Ricky Duran performing "power-pop" and more at 8 p.m. Call 347-4957 for reservations and more.

Boney's Music Lounge, above Fishbone Cafe, goes the "blues route" on Friday with the Tom Sander Band and gets "funky with a health dose of jazz" on Saturday with the Liviu Pop Group featuring guest Nick Bariluk. The music starts both nights at 8:30 p.m. For more information, call 346-6000.

Vinnie's black logoOf course, if you want to dance the night away, you cqan do just that at Vinnie's Jump 'n' Jive on Saturday with the "Barefoot Boogie - Freestyle Dance." The fun starts at 8 p.m. and "high-steps" until 10:30 p.m. and is open to adults, couples, singles, familie and teens plus you can bring your favorite music for the D.J. to spin. Need to know more? Call 347-6971, extension 3662.

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