Monday, July 27, 2009

Library Supporters Urged to Contact Governor, Lawmakers

From Arthur Meyers

The state budget discussions continue, so we ask you to speak up.

Please urge Governor Rell, Lt. Governor Fedele ,and the key lawmakers to SUPPORT library programs and to reject the proposed cuts. Even if you have already contacted the budget negotiators, NOW is the time to contact them again.

Contact the key people below, and let them know that school is out, unemployment is high, and Russell Library is packed like never before.

On one day, this past Wednesday, July 22, in a city of 47,000:
  • 1,797 people came into the Library
  • 2,025 books and other materials were checked out
  • 134 children participated in crafts programs in the morning
  • 180 children attended the storytelling program in the evening
  • 227 adults used the public computers
  • 70 questions were asked in Information Services
  • 8 adults attended the evening computer class on Microsoft Word
Ask them: "Please reject cuts to our library programs!"

Here's the list:
--Governor Jodi Rell:
--Lt. Governor Mike Fedele:
--OPM Secretary Robert Genuario:
--House Speaker Christopher Donovan:
--House Majority Leader Denise Merrill:
--House Republican Leader Larry Cafero:
--Senate President Don Williams:
--Senate Majority Leader Martin Looney:
--Senate Republican Leader John McKinney:
--House Appropriations Committee Chair John Geragosian:
--Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Toni Harp:
--House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Craig Miner:
--Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Dan Debicella:

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