Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Two Senate Candidates at Buttonwood Tree This Week

The Buttonwood Tree, 605 Main Street, has always been a spot where you could find a poet, a folk singer or a jazz musician, but it's become a hotspot for Senate candidates as they seek to make contact with voters in what is becoming a crowded race for the Senate opposing incumbent Chris Dodd.

On Wednesday, Merrick Alpert, a Democrat challenging Dodd will return to town, and the Buttonwood Tree, for a Chat for A Change at 7:30 PM. RSVPs are requested (203-550-6005)

On Thursday from 6:15-7:15, John Killian holds his second, in what he hopes will be a continuing series of salons. This one will be with Republican State Senator Sam Caligiuri who has announced his intention of running for the U.S. Senate seat now held by Dodd.

And while Dodd himself, and his chief Republican challenger Rob Simmons have not appeared as yet, the political season is still young.

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